Total value of the page

$ 0 0 5 8 8 0 0
Our Biggest Player

Our Biggest Player

Name Preet
No. of Squares 0x0 = 0 squares
Total Price (in dollar) 0x100 = $0

How it Works

Select Pixels

Choose the squares you want!

Select as many squares as you like to buy. We have 5 different tiers you can choose to pick from. Once you have selected the squares you want click the buy button. This will reserve these squares for you while you complete the purchase process. You can contact us directly if you have more specific requirements.

Pay for the Pixels

Pay once and never again

We have two ways you can pay. With stripe integration you can pay and secure your squares in as little as two minutes. Just go through our secure payment system and the squares are yours. Alternatively for larger purchases contact us and we can process a wire transfer. You will have to pay a 10% deposit and we will reserve your squares for 5 working days while we wait to receive the remainder of the payment. Note that deposits are non refundable. After you have made your purchase that's it. We will never ask you for money again. No hosting fees, no subscription fees and no costs per click. Just a one off fee to secure your advertisement space for life.

Select Pixels

Upload your image and link

Once your payment has been cleared you will be able to upload your image onto the main page in the squares you purchased, and will have a direct link to a location of your choice (e.g website or social media). All your links and images will be approved by us before they go live (Check our Terms and Conditions for more details on what we allow on the site).